Kano Analysis

What: KANO Analysis is a technique used to prioritize product features based on customer satisfaction and their impact on customer delight.

How:  It categorizes features into different types to understand which features will have the most significant impact on customer satisfaction.

Categories of Features:

Must-Haves (Basic Needs):

What: These are essential features that customers expect as a baseline.

Impact: If they are absent, customers are dissatisfied, but having them doesn’t necessarily increase satisfaction.

Example: A smartphone’s ability to make calls and send texts.

Performance Needs (One Dimensional):

What: These features increase customer satisfaction proportionally. The better you deliver these, the happier the customers are.

Impact: More of these features lead to higher customer satisfaction.

Example: Battery life of a smartphone—longer battery life results in happier customers.

Delighters (Excitement Needs):

What: These features surprise and delight customers; they are not expected.

Impact: Presence leads to high satisfaction, but their absence doesn’t cause dissatisfaction.

Example: A smartphone with a unique feature like wireless charging or a super-fast camera.

Indifferent Features:

What: Features that don’t significantly impact customer satisfaction whether they are present or not.

Impact: These features neither increase nor decrease satisfaction.

Example: A particular color option for a smartphone that most customers don’t care about.

Reverse Features:

What: Features that some customers like but others dislike, leading to mixed reactions.

Impact: Can either increase or decrease satisfaction depending on the customer.

Example: A smartphone with a complex user interface that some users love for its advanced options, while others hate for its complexity.

How it's used:

Survey Customers: Gather customer feedback on various potential features.

Classify Features: Use the feedback to classify each feature into one of the KANO categories.

Prioritize Development: Focus on delivering Must-Haves first, followed by Performance Needs and Delighters, to maximize customer satisfaction.


KANO Analysis helps prioritize features by understanding what customers really care about. It ensures that you focus on what will most satisfy or delight customers, improving product success and customer happiness.

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